Thankful for our Marriage/Family Retreat weekend at Hilton Head last month. Good and challenging times. Thanks to the great child-care workers and for a room full of vibrant children!
for her smile :)
for fun times with friends
for thier integrity, leadership, and service
thankful for this family and for all thier service
and for this one
Thankful for Isaac's awesome facial expressions:)
Thanksgiving day! Thanks to David's CH asst, she was my fabulous side-kick in the kitchen. She also made a tasty Puertican style dish. Yum! Thanks to Grandma, Mom, Ms. Vick, Amanda, and Leigh Ann for all the family recipes! You were around the table in spirit. And thanks Terry for going to Walmart with me late night and for keeping me focused to get last minute supplies.
The kids table (oh, i remember those days at the kid table)
Thankful for each occupied chair!
Thankful for child-like faith. Before we prayed to eat, David Isaac read Psalm 136 and then Isaac, the Rumshik's 4 year old, spontaneously busted out with the song "How great is our God". It was awesome!
Decorating the Christmas tree! The earliest I think we've decorated for Christmas!
Thank you GOD for the joy and laughter these little ones bring into our lives!
THANK YOU GOD for HOPE. At church yesterday we began to celebrate the season of advent and reflected on the HOPE we have as Christians.
*HOPE- God's Word is true
*HOPE- God is Sovereign-over human history, over the wicked, and when you cannot see
*HOPE- God's GRACE is truly amazing
We sang these lyrics, "My hope is in You, Lord All the day long, I won't be shaken by drought or storm, A peace that passes understanding is my song, And I sing My hope is in You Lord" (Aaron Shust - My Hope Is In You Lord)
Lastly, remembering and lifting up those who are suffering today. To the many who have empty seats around the table and empty places in their hearts from the loss of loved ones. May God's hope and peace comfort you. Remebering those around the world who are suffering and in prison for the name of Christ. May His strength, grace, and very presence uphold you and your great cause. Thankful that this world is not all that there is. "For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for a city that is to come." Hebrews 13:14
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