Welcome home daddy! Kids waiting for David at the Airport. He arrived at 11:30am Easter Sunday!
Solomon's 1st Birthday
David saying goodbye to kids...my parents and sister came up to help out with kids so David and I could get away for a few days...very nice and needed!!!
little david isaac having a blast with daddy
Priscilla's birthday...went to the Melting Pot (a favorite!)
Last Night together
Virginia Beach Sunrise morning of David's departure
They were YUMMY and we all enjoyed!
Kids working hard and eating lots of topings & icing...:)
The next morning we ran the Wounded Warriors 10K at Ft. Monroe...a great run! Even had some friends there and one waiting at the finish line cheering us on!
VT looks good on you Soli!!!
May 1st - Walk for Life at Norfolk zoo...
The kids and I at the starting line...
Our faithful friend Ms. Sandy supported us and walked with us:) We saw some other friends there too. It was a beautiful day...
Jamie (college roomie and good friend) came to visit us bringing some Cup Cake fun...she has her own cupcake business if you want to check out... www.the-frostedcupcake.blogspot.com
An early Mother's day celebration for myself, mom, and grandma. As we were enjoying the festivities and talking about "mother's and daughter's" it hit me that we all 3 were wives of military men....all at very different times in history. We have World War 11, Vietnam, and now our present war.
Solomon chillin with Great-Grandma after our ladies lunch/tea
Proud David Isaac doing great riding his bike with no training wheels
Solomon James enjoying the beginging of summer heat and fun
Isabella had to show off her bike too
It's been a little while and it seems a lot has happened the last few months. David Isaac turned 4 in March. Our dear friends - Tanika and kiddos - moved away late March. We both had husbands gone so did A LOT together. We've missed them dearly and the kids still ask to go over to their house. We enjoyed great visit with David and was even harder this time to say goodbye with 6.5 more months to go. We're hoping he will be home for good by early November and look forward to Savannah, GA (though we will miss Va Beach and luxury of being close to family)!!
The kids are growing so fast and I"m constantly reminded of the need to embrace and cherish these days.
Grace & Peace to you and yours!
Love, Priscilla & Arthur family
1 Peter
Love you Pris, and I'm so glad that David's trip home went well! The pics of the kids are adorable, especially the one of Solomon rockin the no-shirt look in the sun! Praying for you and wishing there was some way to see you before camp! I'm trying to make it happen, but you know how crazy life gets! Love you a lot!
Thanks so much for the update and all the pics of your family. I'm so glad you were able to get some R and R with David. What a blessing for all of you. the kids are getting so big. Praying for all of you often.
um, your kids are TOO cute! :) can't wait to love on them in a couple weeks! :) love you sis.
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