Isabella wearing her birthday princess dress from daddy.

round two - cake and ice cream with some friends:)

Went to a farm on Izzie's big day. Here we are in a corn maze.

Cow train ride - we love the wide open spaces!

Pumpkins!! Thankful for our friends who joined us on our adventure...

On the homefront we are almost settled and await David's return. The kids are doing good. God has blessed us above and beyond with a church that is full of Life and is making a difference in the community and world. God is moving and there is an awakening it seems going on in the hearts of people here (& hear stories from places all over the world). At our church we had close to 270 people get baptized in the last few weeks. The Word of God was preached (passages in Acts) and people responded getting baptized in their Sunday clothes and all. Whatever your beliefs on baptism, it's exciting to see people step out of their comfort zone and make a bold confession that Christ is Lord. Praying that God would open the eyes of His people and give us His love, courage, strength, and peace as we seek His face & walk in His ways. Praying Psalm 24 too.
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our soldiers and for military families...especially for reintegrations going on all over the place. Also praying for our nation & leaders.
Grace and Peace to you -
The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. Psalm 33:5,8