Next month we should meet the new family addition!
Izzie G is excited for another brother!!

David Isaac is too though he still wishes he was the
only child...:) Just kidding, he loves his little sister and each day they
wake up they go looking for the other one... every now and then he says their is no baby coming and other times he is helping decide names and excited...still not picked out:)

Lil D wearing daddy's gear

Izzie got a new bike for David Issac's birthday (we had to get two so they'd both have something to ride, they are sharing this one until Saturday when the Lil D gets his big wheel!)

Hope all is well in your worlds! This month (as they all do) is going too fast. We have a big week coming up. David Isaac turns 3 this Saturday, March 21st. Big D has a birthday on the 24th and then the military moves us to new housing in a week - March 26th! DAvid has a work weekend immediately after movers move us and I'm going for short visit to Stafford. Lots going on..and we are officially 9 months pregnant!!!
Each day is a gift and always always trying to keep a right focus and not get swept away in all the activity (good and bad) life brings. It can be hard.
I want to update you all and thank you for the prayers for our Army friend Maria (for those who don't know about her, please keep her in your prayers as she is facing tough times) She has been in hospital for 4 months on tubes and they are moving her to Walter Reed (sp?) in Northern VA for special treatment. Lord willing something will happen to help her get off the tubes and get her life back...and even a better life than before! She said she will never be the same and praying that God's hope will keep her looking up and moving forward. Romans 15:13
Thank you for your love and prayers!